Northern Ireland’s top 8 hottest hunks, as voted by you…..


Jamie Dornan has been voted “Hottest Hunk in the World” in some survey or other, but it would be a shame if women across the globe thought that he is the best that Northern Ireland has to offer. We went out on the streets and asked some random women which NI males they fancied most, and got some surprising answers……


8. Hugo Duncan

The "Wee Man from Strabane has been wowing the ladies with his good looks and dulcet charms since the 1960s. In his time he has dated some of the world's top beauties, including several Miss Worlds and, according to one unsubstantiated rumour, the woman off the Shake and Vac ads.


7. Mark Carruthers

Known in BBC circles as 'The thinking woman's crumpet', Mark's grilling of local politicians attracts a wide female following, of wide females.


6. Jim McDonald

Jim's tangled love life and bad boy image have earned him legions of fans. No one has done more to make the Northern Irish accent sexy, so they haven't.


5. John O'Dowd

When the Sinn Fein Education Minister rises to speak in Stormont, female MLAs are known to go weak at the knees.


4. Barra Best

The weather may be cold, damp and windy, but it'll always be hot on the weather forecast when the balding map master is at the helm.


3. Sammy Wilson

The Joker in the DUP pack. Just imagine him frolicking naked in the long grass. Just imagine...


2. Eamonn Holmes

A legend of broadcasting, the king of the daytime couch, the jewel in the crown of breakfast television. All man....


1. Jackie Fullerton

Once voted Ballymena's most fanciable sport's commentator, Fullerton's encyclopedic knowledge of local football, combined with a 'Sinatraesque' singing style, make him THE number 1 choice with ladies the world over.