10 reasons Belfast is the best city in the universe


Visitors from around the globe are flocking to Belfast these days to sample what the city has to offer – here’s why….

The unique cuisine

Paris buns, Veda bread, massive fry ups, sausage baps, pastie baps, fish finger baps – in fact anything in a bap. Why not go the whole hog and have a bap in a bap?

The Albert Clack

The Albert Clack is the best wonky building in the entire world. So what if Italy has that tower in Pisa, can you tell the time on it? No… no you can’t.

The Westlink

Or to give it’s full title “Congestion on the Westlink”. Fans of concrete from across the world can marvel at this amazing piece of architecture, for several hours while stuck in traffic.

Our language

A unique blend of English, Irish and Scots that allows us to mangle every day words with complete abandon. “D’ye wanna wee beg wi lat?”

Proximity to Lisburn

Where the love is, according to the advert. No city in the world is closer to Lisburn than Belfast, allowing the intrepid tourist to plan day trips to Sprucefield or stand around in Bow Street Mall.

Great Victoria Street’s hidden gems

Forget that Chinese Theatre yoke in Hollywood with all the famous hand-prints on the pavement. If you look carefully on Great Victoria Street you can see May McFettridge and Jimmy Cricket’s signatures etched into the footpath beside a tree. Beat that, foreign places…..

Our Pubs

Loads of them, full of people eating things out of baps and dancing to fiddly music just like in the Norn Iron Tourist’s Bored adverts. Honest.

Top class football

Real Madrid my arse: Glentoran, Cliftonville, Linfield, Crusaders, the Welders. Top class teams in top class stadia.

Connswater Shopping Centre.

Paris claims to be the most  a romantic city in the world, but does Paris have Connswater Shopping Centre? In a word, no – and anyway, Lisburn is the most romantic city in the world, it’s “where the Love is”.

The People.

A cosmopolitan mix of themuns and usuns, no European city has as many different types of Northern Irish people as Belfast, not even Lisburn.