Robbo to step aside. Who will replace him?


DUP Leader and First Minister Peter Robinson has sensationally announced that he is to step down from both jobs. We look at the top runners and riders in the race to replace him.

Nigel Dodds: Droopy faced North Belfast MP who was once hit on the head by a brick. Already the DUP’s leader at Westminster, he’s tipped to be the new leader of the party. For: Experienced, safe pair of hands, was once hit on the head by a brick. Against: Married to Diane Dodds.

Arlene Foster: Former UUP MLA who jumped ship because she didn’t want to share power with Sinn Fein. Is now sharing power with Sinn Fein whilst the UUP have left the Executive. For: Has filled in for Robbo when he’s phoned in sick so is thought to be a front runner for First Minister. Against: Is a woman

Sammy Wilson: The red faced joker in the DUP’s pack, well known for his hilarious speeches at party conferences. No longer an MLA but might be in the running for party leader. For: Once got his bum out on holidays: Against: Once got his bum out on holidays.

Frank Underwood: Fictional US President from House of Cards, a man well versed in the twists and turns of politics. For: Another experienced operator who’s used to the world stage. Against: Probably too nice to be leader of the DUP

Gavin Robinson: The fresh-faced angry speech maker could be an outside bet for party leader, due to the fact his name is Robinson. For: Called Robinson. Against: No one has seen him since May.

Kirk McCambley: Former café owner who might appeal to both younger voters and older women. For: Has stood in for Robbo before. Against: He’s not a member of the DUP, although he has been in a member of the DUP.

Hannibal Lecter: Whilst new to the party following his recent appointment, Hannibal has shown a great appetite for dealing with all sections of the community.  For:  A real people person. Against: Sometimes eats the bakes off people without warning.

Billy and Seamus from the Ulster Fry: An unusual pairing who could split the jobs of party leader and First Minister between them. For: Likely to introduce price controls on beer and crisps. Against: Seamus’s name might not go down well with the party. Billy can’t be arsed.